Thursday 25 February 2010

Fat Burners

Loads of people have been asking me about fat burners and whether they are a useful tool to help with weight loss. Firstly, i'd like to say that i don't actually think most people should be taking fat burners as weight loss is very achievable without the use of them. However, they can be a useful supplement when trying to lose that last bit of fat but obviously can only work in conjunction with regular exercise and the right diet. I've just started a 60 day course of the fat burners G-force which are formerly known as grenades. Ill be given a daily update on how they have worked and affected my mood.

Day 1- Took my fat burner at about 11 o clock with football at half 1. Found myself having a significantly more amount of energy and my aggression levels were through the roof!

Friday 19 February 2010

Love Handles

This post is in response to a question asked to me by a very good friend who is begging to know how to get rid of those dreaded love handles or obliques as they are technically known. Firstly we have to understand that it is almost impossible to target fat loss to a specific area, however their are different methods that we can use to a) lower body fat and b) build muscle within a specific area. I have already suggested a few ways to lose body fat in previous posts and will keep updating these for more information and tipson workouts and nutrution to help fight the flab, so keep checking. However, ill focus this article on toning up those obliques and combining these excersises with eating right and cardio a 2/3 times a week should do the the trick.

Do this workout combined with your usual cardio workout, if you dont have one use the treadmill one posted earlier. Youtube anything your not sure how to do for demonstrations.

  • side plank, 30 seconds each side, 2 sets
  • Leg raises with twist, 10 on each side, 3 sets
  • weight side bends, 3 sets, 12,10,8
  • back raises, 3 sets of ten reps
  • crunch on swiss ball, 2 sets of 10
  • broom rotations (light bar bahind your head resting on your shoulders and turn to each side) 3 sets of 10

Friday 12 February 2010

Muscle Building Pork Stir Fry

Throughout the next week, im going to keep
adding recipes perfect for muscle building and fat
loss which are easy and quick to prepare.

This first dish is a pork stir fry with 36grams of muscle building protein with pork also being high in zinc which helps the body produce the man-making testosterone.

1 tbsp oil
1 tsp dried chilli
4 thin cut pork chops cut into strips
1 chopped onion
1 carrot
2 garlic cloves
soy sauce

Step 1- slice the pork

Step 2- Heat the oil in the pan and throw in the garlic and chilli, then add the pork after 2 minutes

Step 3- Throw in the rest of the ingredients cook for another 4 or 5 minutes

Step 4- Add as much soy sauce as you want for taste and after another 3 minutes serve either with brown rice or by itself for a high protein low carb meal. Enjoy

Friday 5 February 2010

Blast fat with these treadmill workouts

These workouts can be done by anyone and the speed and gradient can be ajusted for your particular standard.

Gradient workout

1) Walk for two minutes at 5kph to warm up

2)Now set the treadmill to a speed that you could comfortably jog at for 20 minutes but only jog for 2 minutes.

3)When the 2 minutes is up, keep the speed the same, but every 30 seconds increase the gradient by 1%

4)Continue this until you can no longer complete the 30 second period at this speed.

5)When you have reached your maximum incline, reduce to zero gradient and jog at your 20 minute pace for 2 minutes, followed by walking at 5kph for 2 minutes to cool down.

About me

Hi guys, brief intro about me as im hoping some of you are able to relate to my situation. Im currently in my last year of university studying advertising and marketing. I have achieved my level 2 qualification in fitness instructing and will be concentrating on personal training full time when i finish my degree, so anyone interested in a session let me know and ill give you all the details.

I have been working out for about 4 years now as i was always overweight at school and made a decision 4 years ago to lose weight and change my life. I lost over 4 stone and have since been working on getting that elusive six pack. (Still working on it!!) Ill try and get some pictures of me before i lost the weight and some up-to-date pictures to show the difference.

As a student its not always easy to eat well and workout especially with alcohol and nights out a constant temptation. However, i hope that some of the ideas i share with you on here may enable you to get in shape while still living a normal lifestyle, occasionally enjoying a big night out and the dirty kebab that comes with it.

My aim here is to pass on the knowledge that i have learnt through losing the weight to hopefully help anyone trying to lose a little bit of weight, to build muscle or to simple lead a healthy active lifestyle. All comment are welcome and any questions you have just ask and ill try and get back to all of you.

Enjoy the blog guys.


Thursday 4 February 2010

10 tips for fat loss

Just a quick few tips for fat loss while keeping muscle, which will work in conjunction with the 300 workout to really help you lose fat. However these tips are hugely useful for anyone trying to get that those desired abs or simply lose some body fat. As i continue with the blog, more of these aspects will be considered in more depth and anything you particularly are interested about or have questions about, let me know.

1) Cardio before breakfast

2) Awareness of carbohydrate intake

3)Dont get hungry

4)Do not consume large amounts of fat and carbs together

5)Take your fish oil

6)Protein before bed

7)Eat citrus fruits

8)Weight train to keep lean muscle

9)Interval training

10)Refeed rather than cheat

The 300 workout

One of the best workouts that ive come across recently is the 300 workout used in the movie 300 to get the actors into that incredible shape. Obviously it has to be combined with the correct diet which will be discussed later on. However, the workout is perfect for weight lifters who have hit a plateau with their training and want a simple but very effective workout to burn fat and buld muscle.

Heres the workout.

25 pull ups
50 deadlifts
50 push ups
50 box jumps or vertical jumps
50 floor wipers
50 single arm clean and press with dumbell (25 each arm)
25 pull ups

The workout is challenging and starting off with a comfortable weight is important as some of the excersises can cause injury if constantly performed with the wrong form. Make sure you increase the weight after the first few times of doing the workout. Enjoy