Friday 19 February 2010

Love Handles

This post is in response to a question asked to me by a very good friend who is begging to know how to get rid of those dreaded love handles or obliques as they are technically known. Firstly we have to understand that it is almost impossible to target fat loss to a specific area, however their are different methods that we can use to a) lower body fat and b) build muscle within a specific area. I have already suggested a few ways to lose body fat in previous posts and will keep updating these for more information and tipson workouts and nutrution to help fight the flab, so keep checking. However, ill focus this article on toning up those obliques and combining these excersises with eating right and cardio a 2/3 times a week should do the the trick.

Do this workout combined with your usual cardio workout, if you dont have one use the treadmill one posted earlier. Youtube anything your not sure how to do for demonstrations.

  • side plank, 30 seconds each side, 2 sets
  • Leg raises with twist, 10 on each side, 3 sets
  • weight side bends, 3 sets, 12,10,8
  • back raises, 3 sets of ten reps
  • crunch on swiss ball, 2 sets of 10
  • broom rotations (light bar bahind your head resting on your shoulders and turn to each side) 3 sets of 10

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